KYRO's task management capabilities are essential for maintaining an agile and responsive project environment. Org Admins and Project Managers can add or revise tasks and subtasks as projects evolve, ensuring that the project plan is dynamic and reflects the latest objectives and needs.
User Roles
Org Admin
Project Manager
Managing Tasks and Subtasks
Adapt your project plan with precision by following these steps:
Login to KYRO
Go to Tasks to view the existing tasks
To add a new task, click the 'Add Task' button.
Now select the relevant project of which you want this task to be a part of.
Categorize the task by selecting the appropriate task type.
Mention the current status of the task
Explain briefly what this task is about in a single line in Summary box
Provide a 'Task Description' that outlines the task's expectations and requirements.
Set the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' for the task to outline its timeline.
Select a 'Priority' level to communicate the task’s urgency and importance.
Allocate the task to a team member by selecting an 'Assignee'.
Determine if the task is 'Billable' or 'Non-Billable'.
Click 'Add Task' after filling out all necessary details to save the task to your project plan.
Adding a Subtask
To incorporate additional granularity to your project tasks:
In the 'Tasks' tab, click an existing task to view its details.
To add a new subtask, click the Add Subtask button on the top-right side, also if you scroll down the details of the task, you will see another option to add subtask.
The task and subtask feature in KYRO offers detailed control over the execution of your project. By regularly updating tasks, you ensure that your project remains in step with evolving project demands, keeping pace with changes and ensuring consistent progress towards your goals.